Quiz tagged by SHIRIN to do.
Rules to be followed:
Each blogger must post this rules.
Each blogger must start wit 10 random facts about themselves.
Bloggers that are tagged need to write about their own blog, 10 things and post this rules.
Don't forget to leave them comments telling them that they have been tagged and are to read your blog.
1. Lazy
2. never forget to put on a smile
3. love to eat
4. Friendly?
5. kind-hearted
6. Random
7. Happy
8. Innocent
9. Funny?
10. Percussionist:D
1. Who's the person who tagged you?
- Shirin Goh!
2. Relationship between you and her?
- aunty de sis??? (quite messy)
3. Three impressions of her?
- Funny, Crazy and Pretty?!
4. If she becomes your enemy, you will?
- dont know yet leh but i think its impossible. hehs.
5. What will you say to the person you like very much?
- Keep quiet?!
6. Characteristic i like about myself?
- Im a happy-go-lucky person. hehs.
7. Characteristic i like about myself?
- Doesnt like to start talking to people.
8. For the person whom you hate, you say?
- I hate you?
9. What do people feel about you?
- I dont know!
10. Your crush?
- Oh. Hehs. Shhh.
11. Pass this to 10 people:
- Bayleen
- Sally
- Faeza
- JiaHui
- Zakri
- WanLin
- WanYin
- YuLi
- WeiYi
- Crystal
12. If 5 and 7 were together? (Zakri and WanYin)
- Dont know? but i dont think so. hahs.
13. Who does number 5 like? (Zakri)
- Dont kow leh. But i think everybody want to know.
14. What colour does number 9 like? (WeiYi)
- Not sure leh.
15. Say something about number 8? (YuLi)
- Always ver high and kind.
16. Who is number 2? (Sally)
- My cousin.
17. Talk about number 3? (Faeza)
- Funny and Clever?
18. Who is number 10 best friend? (Crystal)
- someone in her class?
19. Who's the sexiest among all 10?
- I dont know leh. Maybe Zakri? hahs.
20. What colour does number 4 like? (JiaHui)
- Rainbow colour? Cause i really dont know.
21. Is number 4 single? (JiaHui)
- Maybe? or maybe not? she doent say.
22. Your relationship with number 1? (Bayleen)
- My nya nya!
23. Are number 5 and 6 best friend? (Zakri and WanLin)
- Maybe? but i am sure that they are section mates.
24. Number 9's surname? (WeiYi)
- Siow.
25. Number 7's nickname? (WanYin)
- POM POM! and POH?! (alot la)
26. Say something to 8. (YuLi)
- Dont fell down from swing again.
27. Say something to help 9. (WeiYi)
- What do you need m to help you?
28. Who do i admire?
- hehs. Shhh.
29. Where does number 1 live? (Bayleen)
- Yew Tee.
30. 10 of them know who you like?
- Nope.
31. Say something to number 6 when you see him/her? (WanLin)
- There will be band on ..... hehs
32. Number 10's spouse? (Crystal)
- ChangZuo?
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