Monday, March 29, 2010

Emm, I feel like posting but i dont know what to post about.
Had been sleeping A LOT these few days. I slept when I have nothing to do. Someone please come and chat with me in order to keep me awake. Became lazier too. I did nothing for all my homework when i am at home and rushed through it in school. And i think this cant help me through the O levels.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Everyone says that everyone is good. So, in the end, who is the better one?

Yesterday's appreciation performances was quite ok. But messed up all the steps to collect the certificate on stage, did all the steps wrongly. And Miss Mindy says that we dont need to go band already. :D But maybe going back every wednesday and wait for yushan to finish time practice. :D
This week was a tired week, went home almost 5/6pm everyday. Somemore having aches and cramps all over my body.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Feels irritated right now, cause she keep complaining to me. She has comments for everything and everyone.
Feeling tired too. March holidays are totally gone. Lessons and band practice for monday to friday.
Ate kfc's egg tart just now. SUPER NICE!!! :D

Friday, March 12, 2010


I want to ask something, but i don't dare to.

Having O level music exam tomorrow. Like so fast. I have forgotten almost everything that is taught. Somemore the passing marks is 66! Like so hard to get.
A happy thing, I played correctly for the whole semi-quavers notes (which is more than 20 bars) today for Laputa. :D
And heard that someone's O level target is to win my points. Like having some challenge. I am going to work very very very very very hard that he cant win my points. :D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a short one

I have changed my url. If any of you find my blog, relink me. Actually wanted to delete blog cause like boring. Nothing to post about. But got people ask me to post. Say what if nothing to post, post about them. But i dont want to post about them. HAHA!
Tomorrow got class outing to european museum and DUCK tour. And two more weeks i dont need to go band for every practice already. Like YAY.